Easy e-book production recommended by Sugiyama

Other methods also、Of course there are…..

PubooIs a reflow type、You can scale the characters in the viewer settings.、Article Center、Suitable for e-books with mixed text and photos。Since it can be created in Blog format, you can create it even if you do not have knowledge of Html。

(The image is、Since there are margins on the top and bottom of the terminal screen, it is not possible to display the entire screen。Photos become smaller when inserting a landscape image。)


Kindle Comic CreatorIs a fixed layout type、manga、Illustrations、Photo Album、Suitable for producing Kindle e-books with picture-centric like picture books。Not suitable for text-based content。

(You can select either fixed vertical image/fixed horizontal image/mixed vertical/horizontal image.、Terminal screen、(It can be displayed vertically or horizontally, or one side at a time)

Amazon.co.jp: fd_redirect
fd_redirect ストアの優れたセレクションからオンラインショッピング

But、When handling images regardless of which is used、It is necessary to be able to change the number of vertical and horizontal pixels of the image。

Both do not support ePub3, so vertical e-books cannot be created。

after、Denden Converter、If you know a little about Html、Sigil(EPub2) is also free….

There is a charge、For WIN, Ichitaro 2013 Gen might have good ePub3 support so far。