Kindle本 冬のセール!

12/1``Let's publish a photo book on Kindle!'' was selected as a target product for ``Kindle Book Winter Sale!''。

2013We would like to inform you that we will be featuring this item in the "Kindle Monthly Sale" for one month from December 1st to December 31st.。

I received an email in advance saying,、

Information sent about the sale the other day、And there was an error in the link.。We apologize for the inconvenience caused to our customers.。 
this time、Your book is、This item is eligible for the "Kindle Book Winter Sale" linked below, which is an expanded version of the "Monthly Sale"。

So、It was a "winter sale"。(Laughs)
Alright、This “winter sale” is、I'm really looking forward to seeing how this will be reflected in the number of downloads.。