

How to become a photographer? – 1


I received an email from those who are studying for a photo in the United States

今日はおもしろい日です同じ日に2人のアメリカで写真を勉強されてる方々からメールをいただきましたその方たちに返信したメールの一部を公開させていただきます「自分なりの(写真の)スタイルをもてるように試行錯誤している最中です」 そうですね...

Scanner and a printer!

質問 「PeeWeeのフォト拝見しました広告写真とはちがってとてもかわいくたのしいものでしたスキャナとプリンタでなさったとのこと驚きましたよかったら機種構成を教えて下さい」 スキャナはミノルタの35mmフィルム専用のQuickSca...

Professional camera?

質問 「写真に興味がありゆくゆくはそちらの仕事をやって行きたいと考えていますしかし写真に関しては素人でカメラもすごく前に買った物しかなくここらでカメラを買おうと思っているのですがどの機種を買えばいいのか教えて頂ければと 思います...

Fashion photo?

質問 「一般的にファッション写真とはどういう写真でしょうか?モデルを魅力的に撮るだけではだめですか??」 ファッション写真というのはファッション=洋服装飾品などをモデルを使って撮影された写真を指すようです「ファッションっぽく写真を...



How to take pictures at a wedding

Mr. M said, ``Please tell me some tips for taking good photos at weddings.''。I received an email saying “。 It is very difficult to generalize the tips for taking good photos at a wedding (reception venue).、A good photo is、Composition, angle, expression at that moment, etc.、...

To learn about the full-fledged shooting? PART2

This is not about how to become a professional.、good? Daily study for taking photos? (self-study) recommendation。 Photography requires sensitivity and technique to express it.。 To begin with、How to hone your sensibilities、It is important to be interested in various things.、People often say that movies and paintings....

To learn about the full-fledged shooting?

I received the following question from Mr. Y.。 ``I'm an amateur when it comes to photography.、Where should I start to learn about professional photography? ” I am speaking with the premise of becoming a professional.、I think there are some patterns。 1) Some kind of talent to begin with....

For disposable camera

About disposable cameras、I have previously talked about various things on a TV program called ``Aru Aru Encyclopedia''.、Technically speaking, it doesn't come with anything called a mode.、You can hardly use different techniques.。The camera can handle various conditions..

From the field of fashion photography

What is important in fashion photography is the beautiful model、You can't take good photos unless you have great staff.。An important point for stylists is how to combine the specified clothes with accessories and make them look beautiful.。Also...


What I pay the most attention to when taking photos is、model selection。I mean、by model、This is because it greatly affects the image of the photo you are trying to take.。But that is、Rather than my preference、In that case, the model would have an image appropriate for the advertisement..

Work of photographer

Today is、Although it is not a photo diary, I will tell you the steps of the photographer's work until the photo shoot.。 To begin with、Advertising agencies and production companies、Sometimes it's directly from the client.、I have a job request。 General shooting content、schedule、Manager for payments etc..

Feeling when you take a picture

Title: “My Favorite Photo” My favorite photo of a woman is、This is a photo of the back。Why do I like photos that don't show faces?、This is because faces, like fingerprints, are unique to each individual.。Medically speaking, it's like a combination of genes that only that person has..

How well it takes Once you have the photo?

Mr. N、Thank you for writing。 “Photography is、How can I take good pictures...? ” It is difficult to say in one word, but first、After all, take lots of pictures、いつもこんな風に撮りたいという事をちゃんと考えて撮る事まずは好きな写真を真似するのもいいですでも技...