

To freely upload photos of others、It is illegal! !

To freely upload photos of others、It is illegal! ! (It is not as long as that in the case of share) Copyright infringement applies to both criminal and civil proceedings。If you are charged with a criminal complaint、Just like uploading a TV show without permission、You may be arrested。 ...

Creative Strategist….

To begin with、写真にしても商品を出すにしても 世の中の流行を掴んでいなければ、It won't become a hot topic and it won't become a hit product.。 In the case of Sugiyama、There is no doubt that there is an advertising photographer.、When I create my works, I often use things that are likely to become popular in the future as subject matter.。...

Think about the photo…

Part 1... Photographers use cameras, which are machines, but they are digital or electronic.、I feel like a lot of people are ignorant about saying that.. Maybe I'm a timid race to new things.... もう流石にアナログでなきゃなんて言...

Notes When you upload an image on the WEB

どこのサイトやSNSでもアップロードできる画像の容量の上限が設定されていますといってあまり小さな画像だと目伸ばしされて表示される場合もあるので注意が必要です。 5000万画素もあるフルサイズ一眼も出てきましたので容量の上限を超えてし...

You can put character in easy to image if you have Lightroom。

Start Lightroom。 Click “Lightroom” → “Edit Watermark” in the menu。 ○Enter the characters you want to enter in the box at the bottom。 ○ In “Text Option”、Specify font and font color。 ○ In "Shadow"、You can add shadows to the text..

Movement of the (memorandum) wordpress

MAMP内のhtdocsに新規wordpressをblogフォルダの中にコピー。 SQL new database "blog" collation in phpMyAdmin(utf8_general_cl)作成にアクセスwordpressインストール(アカ...

Study of the WEB


Adobe was iPad free app "Slate" of tried to make parallax site。

Parallax (parallax effect)... I think people who do photography can kind of understand.... In the web industry, it refers to a site where images are moved so that they overlap.。 Animation effects allow objects to move.、Parallax...


I tried to listen to the Kanagawa prefectural police headquarters / life safety Affairs Division。 It seems there is a problem with the writing of the article of Nikkan Gendai。 As obscene act、人の下着もしくは身体(身体と言ってもパンチラや胸の隙間などの事)男女問わず.... If you have a shooting、迷惑行為防止条例に...

Kindle Unlimited Reading Program

Using Amazon KDP、Thank you。 ToDay、Introducing the new Kindle Unlimited Reading Program。Unlimited Kindle Reading、Is a new subscription service for US readers、KDPセレクトに本を登録している...


最近バッテリータイプの大型ストロボが各種発売されていますバッテリー性能が良くなって来たので発行回数も充電時間も以前に比べて格段の進化を遂げている。 However、ちょっと注意しなければいけないのはバッテリー以外のAC電源でも使用可能かどうかを...

Phase One と Mac

最新のIQ250とMacBookPro-OS10.9 ハイエンド・デジタルバックのPhase Oneも刻々と進化をとげている。Along with the increase of the number of pixels、Has come also changes in the consolidated shooting of a personal computer (tethered shooting)。 画素数が大きくなることで...

"Send-to-Kindle Document" Moved to Amazon Cloud Drive

Personal document、Moved to Amazon Cloud Drive。from today、All personal documents archived in your Kindle library、Access from Amazon Cloud Drive、Delete、sort out、共...

From fixed type to reflow type/Message from KDP

Posted by Yousuke Ito 2014/2/17 Message from KDP arrived at Mr. Ito ↓ ============================== ======== Use Amazon KDP、Thank you。 今回お知ら...

"Ichitaro 2013 Gen"

Apparently, "Ichitaro Gen" is good for writing Mobi files vertically.、I tried it with the trial version。Load your existing Word document into Ichitaro、Vertically write ruby ​​a little and write Mobi。Reflow、固定の選択もできます...

"Denden Editor" & "Denden Converter"

From the Denden Markdown of the Denden Converter、 "Denden Editor" has been released。 ブログ感覚で電子書籍作れるらしい... EPUB 3 (vertical writing in combination with Denden Converter)、ルビ)に書き出しできる?? すみません...

Published video seminar! "Serve Works in e-book"

We will release a video of the 200-person seminar held in August last year.。 Please note that the content of the seminar is slightly different from recent seminars.。 (Divided into 3 parts, each about 30 minutes long.)。) No.1 “Publish a collection of works as an e-book!” Seminar @GMO

"The second-order one-on-one consulting practice by photographers Sugiyama Sen嗣"

I want to make a living from my favorite photography... I want to brand myself through photography... But...、 What is the color of the work that suits you? How can I get my work featured? I don't know how to market to my workplace。 How to order...

One-on-one consulting practice – Youtube

“One-on-one practical consulting by photographer Nobutsugu Sugiyama” Inviting first-year students after taking the course、Introducing the top secret consulting content that has not been revealed until now and impressions from the course in a video。 3A person who was an amateur photographer a month ago、2 newspapers、Photo magazines and railways..

Second one-on-one consulting practice Registration

●Once a week、1~2 hours of consulting via Skype、Lineなどを使ってのマンツーマンの個別指導 ●コンサルティング期間:2014年1月中旬より随時3ケ月間 ●募集人員/若干名 ●コンサルティング料 :20million (request letter、領収書が必要な方は...