TRIBE@PAPUA NEW GUINEA | 部族の肖像 杉山宣嗣写真展
Special Site Open!!
Despite of being in the modern world where people can instantly access to necessary information, there still are many areas without water or electricity in Papua New Guinea. Although the islands are located near the equator, they not only have blazing hot tropical rainforests but also highlands with mountains as high as 3000~4000 meters. A lot of the places are impossible to reach without chartering an airplane. Hotels are also very limited. These are only a few among all Papua New Guinean tribes. Still, you can catch a glimpse of their life and mentalities through their fashion, makeup, and costumes captured in the photos.
これはパプアニューギニアの部族のほんの一部でしかないが、それぞれの写真のファッションやメイク、仮装などからもその生活や意識を垣間見る事もできる。一切の意図的な要素を含まず、高精細の写真機によるリアル・ポートレイト。本展では、広告・ファッションの分野で活躍する写真家、杉山宣嗣が高精細のEOS5DsRで撮影、ポスターサイズに出力したものを展示いたします。 |