To freely upload photos of others、It is illegal! !

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To freely upload photos of others、It is illegal! !
(It is not as long as that in the case of share)

Copyright infringement applies to both criminal and civil proceedings。If you are charged with a criminal complaint、Just like uploading a TV show without permission、You may be arrested。

* The photos in this Feelment are also without the consent of the copyright holder.、Uploading is of course illegal。
Some people use other people's photos for Facebook cover photos and profile photos.、It's illegal!

If you discover the unauthorized use of an acquaintance's work、Please tell the writer directly。Let's not spread on SNS。
And turn off the account it will be a relief….If you can save all the information when you have an account、It is relatively easy to identify the criminal。
After being deleted、Google search、You can get some information by searching by that account name,….

Copyright Information Center

With Twitter, as long as the account exists、There are various services that display past logs。(Please do not use it like a stalker.。)