

Can be read on a PC it is! "Serve the photo book on the Kindle!" !

7"Let's publish a photo book on Kindle!" will be released on Puboo from April 9th.。 Puboo is PDF、ePub、Because it is compatible with Mobi、Read this book on any device, including your computer。 Also、Actually, Puboo is iOS,Andro...

Of e-book、If you compare various things….

Applications and e-books are completely different even in e-photobooks that can be viewed on the same smartphone or iPhone.。 ★Application → You can make it look interactive and cool → Only professionals can create programs → It will cost millions if you hire a professional → Royalty is 70..
Photo Exhibition/Photo Collection


「Cupid note」の日本人版の「LOVERS」が見たい?欲しい?と言う方がいらっしゃいましたのでPubooで電子書籍として発売しました(楽天koboでも購入できます)「LOVERS」はエンハンスドCD-ROM写真集なので現在は手...

What can as a photographer?

このたびの東北地方太平洋沖地震などにより被災された方々に心より お見舞いを申し上げるとともに一日も早い復興をお祈り申し上げますいろんな方々の復興に向けての支援活動のお話を耳にしますその度に「写真家として何ができるのか? 」と、...