MacBook Pro OS10.4.6 – Boot Camp

I was able to install Windows on my Mac.。
I was surprised at how easy it was。
"Boot Camp" is a tool that allows you to start Windows XP on Macintosh.、As it is a public beta version、Apple doesn't provide any support at this point.。
However、I thought it would be in English since it was a beta version.、There is actually a Japanese version!。The guides are also very kind and detailed.。
"Boot Camp" is not supported.、Do it at your own risk、That being said, this kind and polite manner、You can get a glimpse of Apple's...。
What you need to be a little careful about is、During the installation, you will need to create a Windows partition.、When partitioning a Windows volume, you must select FAT32 or NTFS as the format.。
How much to allocate to MacOS X or Windows depends on the usage.、I will briefly explain the differences between FAT32 and NTFS.。
FAT32 can be read/written/saved to Windows volumes on MacOS、Volume size up to 32GB。
NTFS is、MacOS X can only read from Windows volumes。Volume size up to 2TB。
In the case of Sugiyama、I often use it for photography.、Windows is prioritized、読みしかできないのは不便ですがNTFSを選択することにしましたWindowsボリュームが32GBもあれば十分という人はFAT32をお勧めします
Boot Camp