

U.S. taxpayer identification number in order to avoid U.S. income tax(NEWS) Acquisition of

There is a site on Livedoor Blog that supports personal publishing of e-books.、U.S. taxpayer identification number in order to avoid U.S. income tax(NEWS) It was written about the acquisition of、It seems like everyone is working very hard.。 Even people who are not good at English can learn how to easily acquire this certification..

Of e-book、If you compare various things….

Applications and e-books are completely different even in e-photobooks that can be viewed on the same smartphone or iPhone.。 ★Application → You can make it look interactive and cool → Only professionals can create programs → It will cost millions if you hire a professional → Royalty is 70..

Full e-book market in Japan?

When I went to a bookstore recently, the magazine became thin、I feel lonely.... Magazines that used to be as thick as a telephone directory (dead word?) are now so thin.... Then from now on、When it comes to e-books, it seems unlikely in Japan.。 Japan's e-book market is not very....

The not-too-distant day when talk of the dream becomes reality….

E-books compared to paper books、Since the penetration rate of devices is still low, not everyone can read it.。However, this penetration rate will definitely increase in the future.、I think it will become a more delicious market in the future.。 Sugiyama's ``Let's publish a photo book with Kindel!''....

why、Or from the e-book can be photo book of paper media issues? why、Whether the photo exhibition is steadily held abroad?

To begin with、Whether it's taking photos or releasing products, we have to stay on top of the trends in the world.、It won't become a hot topic and it won't become a hit product.。 In the case of Sugiyama、There is no doubt that there is an advertising photographer.、When I create my works, I often use things that are likely to become popular in the future as subject matter.。B...


How to sell your book on Amazon、I mentioned before that the title is also very important.。 “Then、What should I do? ” in search engine、Please search for the keyword of the title you are trying to add.。 For example、``Photos on Kindle.''.

Kindle – Photos Notes / Kindle about the KDP….Postscript to

Regarding changes to file contents and descriptions, etc. Usually, KDP will notify you that the book you submitted has been published in the Kindle Store.。Although e-mail "has been updated all the new files in the coming stage、There is also a thing that has not been rarely updated。It hasn't changed even after half a day..

Of e-book、Comparing the various things ....

Applications and e-books are completely different even in e-photobooks that can be viewed on the same smartphone or iPhone.。 ★Application → You can make it look interactive and cool → Only professionals can create programs → It will cost millions if you hire a professional → Royalty is 70..

Indispensable to the self-branding

Electronic Publishing on Amazon Just publishing on Amazon is not enough.、Not a was able to self-branding。 Utilizing Facebook It is also necessary to make many friends on a regular basis through your Facebook personal page and Facebook page.。 Unique...

The reason for issuing electronic work Collection (Visual Book)

To begin with、I'll try it out。This is quite important。 of course、It would be difficult to get people to see or buy it from the beginning.。 But、出版はあなたのプロとしての始まりです写真に関して言えば今までは「写真コンテスト」に出...

Self-promotion、Branding、No Susume

良い作品が人を引きつけるのは当たり前な事ですがそもそも良い作品とはなんなんでしょうか? 最近の「良い」の基準がかなり変化してきたので何が良いのかは難しい..... 著名な有識者が良いと言えば良いものとして世の中に広まっていきます。 ...

Kindle – For the color tone of the e-book

There will inevitably be differences in color depending on each device.、Color space of images packaged in photo albums (AdobeRGB, sRGB, etc.))If it is not sRGB, the colors will be pale (low saturation) when packaged in a photo book.。 But、this...

Free easy image-based software

Mac、Image software that can be used with Windows (installed on PC) Color correction and resizing、Character also put possible。 Image software that can be used on the web.Youtube Pixlr editor has videos of what it can do and how to use it. (Advanced) Used by professionals..

Electronic photo album for (Visual Book)

Electronic photo book、It's not just for photographers。 painter、illustrator、CG artist、net idol、cosplayers etc.、If you have image data, you can publish it.。When、I've been talking about it for a while now、 そういった職種の方達だけで...

Kindle – Or art or obscenity? Ambiguous boundary line of Kindle

Your work as an ebook、Your work as an ebook ((This is completely separate from the issue with the revision of the Child Pornography Prohibition Act.) There is no such thing as nudity or sexual expression being bad.、Your work as an ebook、As a writer, I have to decide where to draw the line..

why、Missionary Sugiyama is a photographer of the e-book? Of whether you are a?

in recent years、With photo digitization、Now anyone can easily take photos, not only professionals but also ordinary people.。 That's it、Due to the popularization of photography、裾野が広くなり写真はアナログの時代とは比較できない程大きなマーケットにな...

Kindle – For Kindle (Kindle)

Amazon was founded as an online bookstore where you can quickly get the books you want.、We have now become the world's top comprehensive Internet commerce company.。 Amazon is worldwide、誰でもが自己出版(セルフ・パブリッシング)を無料でできるの...

Kindle – Amazon customer reviews

On Amazon、購入した書籍に対してのカスタマーレビューを書く事ができます購入された方にはいろんな方がいますのであまり気にしないようにしましょうね匿名なのでレビューする人の中には悪評を書く人も多くいます著作者としてはなるべ...

Do you put out I also photo collection?

私も写真集出せますか? ネットアイドル?の女の子からの質問ですAmazonで写真集(ビジュアルブック)を発売できるのはカメラマンだけではありません。 For example、自分の写真をアップしてBLOGを持っている。....なんて人もある程度の量の...

Kindle – To transfer and check in terminal mobi file of more than 25MB created

KDPにある機能のSendToKindleを使って端末にデータを送り確認する方法を以前お伝えしましたが容量制限が25MBだったので困っていました他の方法を見つけましたのでご報告 それぞれの端末パソコンにDropboxをインストール...