Papua New Guinea Day 4…

About 1 hour charter、Move to the Sepik of wetlands, such as the Amazon。
The landing on the runway, which is called the air strip, such as paving the jungle…
Tribe? Pick-up of the children of….At a stretch temperature humidity rise。
after that、Toward the Lodge down the Sepik river by boat….

Karawari Airstrip

The excitement is in the air strip that was cut open in the jungle!

Karawari Airstrip

The children had gathered in the place where I got off the airplane…. It's came to see the airplane… But adults were wearing clothes、Children are full monty…

Karawari River - East Sepik

On both banks of the Sepik River、There is a village here and there…

Karawari River - East Sepik

Yup、Amazing wards Nante paddling standing?
The river is cloudy、Or shallow of or deep? I do not know at all。Flow is pretty slow…

Karawari River - East Sepik

Cooking? Laundry? bath? I wonder if in the Konasu of that a Sepik flow once?