

Kindle – Amazon、Change of how to submit taxpayer information for the regulations on tax returns in the United States

It seems that I changed the system that mailed W-8BEN to Amazon Kindle to only online。 The following is KDP help, but has been newly added。 If you already have an account, check the ``Tax Information'' section of your KDP account..

CAPA9 month issue


September Photo Techniques


The video seminar @ GMO Yours seminar! "Serve Works in e-book"

2013On July 27(土)に渋谷セルリアンタワーで開催された「電子書籍で作品集を出そう!」のセミナー動画を公開いたしますここでお話ししているのは電子書籍をどう作るかだけではなくどう売るかどう活用するかということを話していますそうで...

And me for that! "Serve the photo book on the Kindle" in the September issue commercial photo

日本のトップレベルの広告ファッション写真映像を紹介している「COMMAERCIAL PHOTO」誌の9月号に「Kindleで写真集を出そう!」が取り上げられましたこれでいよいよトップフォトグラファーたちも電子写真集に参画してくれる...

Kindle – Send to Kindle

「Send to Kindleの機能」メールで添付して使う面倒だったSend to Kindleの機能が簡単にできますドラッグ&ドロップ操作でKindle端末に文書やファイルを簡単に移動できる便利ツールこれを使えばKDPで作成された...

Kindle Comic Creator (KC2)NOTE

Kindle Comic Creator、Handling images、Especially when creating a collection of works that have both vertical and horizontal compositions.、It is difficult to create unless you understand how to handle images (the number of pixels)。 Not everyone can use it easily! that's why、Comic Creator edition...

Kindle photo book publishing seminar of GANREF subject workshops special edition Sugiyama Sen嗣 、Held!

「杉山宣嗣先生のKindle写真集出版ゼミ」の概要 日時 2013年8月6日(火) 19時~20時30分 場所 インプレス会議室(市ヶ谷) 講師 杉山宣嗣先生 募集人数 30名(先着順) ※最少催行人数10名 受講料 無料 集合解散場所 セ...

Exit safely seminar @ GMO Yours Free! "Serve Works in e-book"



インプレスジャパン・GANREFでPAST DAYSが紹介されています。 Electronic photo album from "PAST DAYS"

Kindleで作品集を出そう!Kindle Comic Creator編…Release!

Your work around the world Amazon (Kindle)で無料で出版できます! 画像の作成さえできれば作品集はKindle Comic Creator を使ってカンタン作成画像の切り出しやページ構成などを考えて素敵な作品集を作りましょう

U.S. taxpayer identification number in order to avoid U.S. income tax(NEWS) Acquisition of

There is a site on Livedoor Blog that supports personal publishing of e-books.、U.S. taxpayer identification number in order to avoid U.S. income tax(NEWS) It was written about the acquisition of、It seems like everyone is working very hard.。 Even people who are not good at English can learn how to easily acquire this certification..

Can be read on a PC it is! "Serve the photo book on the Kindle!" !

7"Let's publish a photo book on Kindle!" will be released on Puboo from April 9th.。 Puboo is PDF、ePub、Because it is compatible with Mobi、Read this book on any device, including your computer。 Also、Actually, Puboo is iOS,Andro...

Of e-book、If you compare various things….

Applications and e-books are completely different even in e-photobooks that can be viewed on the same smartphone or iPhone.。 ★Application → You can make it look interactive and cool → Only professionals can create programs → It will cost millions if you hire a professional → Royalty is 70..

Seminar @ GMO Yours Free! "Serve Works in e-book"

Seminar Overview When you think of publishing a book, do you think, ``I can't do it myself'' or ``Writing seems difficult''?? Photo、An illustration、nail art、hair catalog、cooking、handicraft、Shop...If it's an "image-centered" e-book、simply、And beyond words....

Full e-book market in Japan?

When I went to a bookstore recently, the magazine became thin、I feel lonely.... Magazines that used to be as thick as a telephone directory (dead word?) are now so thin.... Then from now on、When it comes to e-books, it seems unlikely in Japan.。 Japan's e-book market is not very....

The not-too-distant day when talk of the dream becomes reality….

E-books compared to paper books、Since the penetration rate of devices is still low, not everyone can read it.。However, this penetration rate will definitely increase in the future.、I think it will become a more delicious market in the future.。 Sugiyama's ``Let's publish a photo book with Kindel!''....


How to sell your book on Amazon、I mentioned before that the title is also very important.。 “Then、What should I do? ” in search engine、Please search for the keyword of the title you are trying to add.。 For example、``Photos on Kindle.''.

Kindle – Photos Notes / Kindle about the KDP….Postscript to

Regarding changes to file contents and descriptions, etc. Usually, KDP will notify you that the book you submitted has been published in the Kindle Store.。Although e-mail "has been updated all the new files in the coming stage、There is also a thing that has not been rarely updated。It hasn't changed even after half a day..

Of e-book、Comparing the various things ....

Applications and e-books are completely different even in e-photobooks that can be viewed on the same smartphone or iPhone.。 ★Application → You can make it look interactive and cool → Only professionals can create programs → It will cost millions if you hire a professional → Royalty is 70..